Global Studies Course Petition Form

The name of your advisor for the Global Studies Major
By checking this box, you indicate that you have consulted with your major advisor prior to submitting a petition. Petitions will not be accepted until you have done so.
Title of the course as it appears in Workday
As it appears in Workday. e.g., L97 GS 3021. PLEASE USE THE HOME DEPARTMENT COURSE NUMBER.
Provide the name of the department in which the course is based.
Provide a one-paragraph statement that addresses: (1) why the course is applicable to the concentration and (2) how the course furthers your personal academic goals within the Global Studies major (what question, issue, theme or world area are you building your major around?).


You're not done yet! To complete the petition, you must submit an electronic copy (pdf, MSword, etc.) of the course syllabus to the Petition Coordinator, Dr. Steven Hirsch, at