Study Abroad

Study Abroad

Go beyond the classroom.

Study abroad is an integral part of the Global Studies undergraduate experience. Study abroad programs, offered through Overseas Programs, give you the opportunity to acquire the broad cultural knowledge, languages, and the practical skills necessary to participate fully in a global society. For most of you, studying abroad for a summer, a semester, or a year is career enhancing and even life transforming. Studying abroad encourages you to embark on a lifelong journey of global education. 

All Global Studies majors are strongly encouraged to study abroad in one of Washington University’s overseas programs. You will have the opportunity to experience other cultures, improve your foreign-language skills, and study specialized subjects. Spending time in a different area of the world can be an especially valuable complement to your GS studies, and many courses may count toward your major. In addition, all Global Studies majors are strongly encouraged to conduct independent research while abroad. 

See what counts as study abroad for the Global Studies major.


Overseas Programs

Funding for Study Abroad

Overseas Programs helps Washington University faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates locate funding for research, study abroad, and international curriculum and program development. Particularly for study abroad, Global Studies encourages you to explore options available internally for Washington University students and externally through private foundations, government programs etc. A list of opportunities including eligibility criteria and applications is managed by the staff of Overseas Programs. See either Study Abroad Scholarships or the Washington University Fellowships Advising page.

Study Abroad Scholarships

Before and After Studying Abroad


You are strongly encouraged to complete your introductory Global Studies coursework and have made significant progress in fulfilling your language requirement prior to studying abroad, even if you are studying in an English language program.

Before studying abroad as a Global Studies major, you must consult with the Global Studies Study Abroad Advisor (Prof. Nicole Svobodny) about your plan of study and choice of program. You may schedule a meeting with Prof. Svobodny during office hours. At this meeting you will also learn about the requirements for the course materials you must submit upon your return.

In addition to meeting with the Global Studies study abroad advisor, you are also encouraged to meet with your Global Studies advisor during the semester prior to going abroad to be sure you are on track to fulfill your major requirements.

View requirements for study abroad course credit here


Upon return from study abroad, the Global Studies Study Abroad Advisor (Prof. Nicole Svobodny), with the assistance of other program faculty, will review your transcript to determine credit toward your major in Global Studies. In some cases, it may be necessary to review your portfolio of course material (syllabi, coursework, etc.) before making a final determination. Prof. Svobodny will email you to schedule an appointment. Prior to the meeting, you should review the Requirements for Credit information and make a list of courses offered on your study abroad program that you believe would fulfill the requirements for Global Studies credit. You should not assume that you will receive credit for coursework done abroad without prior approval of the Global Studies Study Abroad Advisor.

"Studying abroad with the WashU Global Studies program elevated my learning experiences and overall understanding of my studies by providing an opportunity to gain real-world experiences that deepened my academic interests. This past summer, I studied abroad in Iceland in the SIT Renewable Energy, Technology, and Resource Economics Program and by visiting geothermal, hydropower, and wind energy sites, I gained a deeper appreciation for environmental justice and sustainability efforts."

― Hieran Andeberhan Global Studies, Class of 2025