Who is eligible to write a Global Studies Senior Honors Thesis?
In order to write a Global Studies Senior Honors Thesis, you must be enrolled in Arts & Sciences as your prime major, you must have declared Global Studies as your major, and you must satisfy the minimum GPA requirement detailed below.
What is the minimum GPA requirement?
Per the College of Arts & Sciences, you must have a cumulative overall GPA of 3.65 by the end of your sixth semester, and this GPA must be maintained throughout your senior year, in order to write an honors thesis. You should not embark on a thesis unless you confidently expect to meet the minimum GPA requirements outlined above. If your cumulative GPA is below 3.65, we encourage you to consider an independent research project.
Do I have to find a thesis advisor?
You must write your thesis under the direction of an Arts & Sciences (Washington University) faculty advisor (not necessarily a member of the Global Studies faculty). It is advised that you begin meeting with potential faculty advisors in your sophomore year. This will give you plenty of time to develop a relationship with your advisor and, if you haven’t already, take a class with them before you begin your thesis. Your thesis advisor should be someone with whom you have worked, in a class or other setting, as the best theses investigate questions that interest both the student and the advisor and, therefore, arise out of conversations between them.
How do I find a thesis advisor?
You may find your major advisor or 4-year advisor can be helpful in suggesting possible thesis advisors, but it is ultimately up to you to identify your advisor. You should come up with a preliminary proposal on your own, and then go see your prospective advisor in person. If you are abroad during your sophomore or junior year, you may contact advisors and faculty by email, but ideally you will have raised the topic before you leave for study abroad (so you might conduct research for your thesis while you are abroad).
Thesis Requirements
How long is a thesis?
The written thesis length varies by discipline; your individual page requirement will be set by your advisor. The page count includes the title page, table of contents, main article, and bibliography. Maps, charts, and other non-text pages do not count toward the required page length.
Thesis deadlines are set by the Director of the Honors Program each year. Please consult the course syllabus for GLOBAL 4985. In general, a completed thesis draft is due in March of your senior year. You will also be expected to share your progress with your peers and the Director throughout the fall semester and present your final project at the Global Studies conference in the spring semester. Please see the thesis deadlines below.
Junior Year
Second Friday in April: Deadline to declare your intent to write an honors thesis by completing the intent FORM and submitting it to Global Studies. You must have your thesis advisor secured at this time. [For those students graduating in December, the deadline for the intent form is the second Friday in November of their junior year.]
Intent Form
Senior Year
Mid March (typically the Tuesday following Spring Break): Full and complete draft of thesis submitted to thesis advisor and the thesis committee. Faculty will make their certification for Latin Honors and their recommendation for the Global Studies Thesis prize based on this version; any thesis not turned in by this date will automatically be ineligible for Latin Honors.
Late March: Thesis presentations to the Global Studies thesis committee, rather than a thesis defense. Global Studies will not certify a thesis for honors before the presentation, and certification must be made prior to the Arts & Sciences honors certification deadline (this deadline usually falls around April 1st).
Early April: Global Studies Honors Thesis conference
On the last day of spring semester classes: Deadline to submit the final and revised version of your thesis. You should turn in two copies in electronic format: one directly to your thesis advisor and one to Mrs. Toni Loomis (aloomis@wustl.edu).
Course Credit
What courses do I register for in order to get credit for my thesis work?
Fall Semester
For fall of your senior year, enroll in Preparation for Global Studies Honors Thesis GLOBAL 4985 sec 01. Required for Global Studies senior thesis writers, this course addresses the methods and mechanics of research and writing in Global Studies, concurrently with independent work with the thesis adviser. The seminar provides structure, guidance, and response to your work. You will already have identified a thesis topic; in the seminar, you will identify a research question and develop a thesis proposal. In workshop format, you will examine one another's research questions, hypotheses, and methods of analysis. In additional sessions, you will learn the basics of several models of electronically assisted research, and you will develop and refine presentation skills through the presentations of their proposals and results at various stages of progress. Attendance is required.
Spring Semester
Enroll in Global Studies Senior Honors Thesis GLOBAL 4986 sec. XX, where the section number is unique to your thesis advisor. While this course earns you 3 credits, those may not be counted toward the Global Studies major requirements. The course involves intensive research leading to the completion of your Global Studies honors thesis conducted under the supervision and guidance of a faculty sponsor.
What are the prerequisites for these courses?
Prerequisites: 1) a GPA of 3.65 at the time of application to the thesis program; 2) the identification of a thesis adviser; and 3) the approval of the Global Studies Honors Program Director.
How is the level of Latin Honors decided?
Per the Arts & Sciences Bulletin, "Latin Honors: To be eligible for Latin Honors, students must have maintained a 3.65 GPA through the sixth semester and must be accepted for candidacy by their major department or program. Latin Honors candidates must enroll in such courses as their department or program may require, satisfactorily complete a significant project appropriate to the nature of the discipline, and pass such written and/or oral examinations as the department or program may set. To earn such honors, candidates must also have maintained the minimum 3.65 GPA through the final semester.
Upon certification by the department that the Honors program has been satisfactorily completed, the student may be awarded the BA cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude according to the following proportions: The top 15% in overall GPA of the full cohort of Latin Honors candidates who complete the necessary requirements of their major departments will graduate summa cum laude; the next 35% magna cum laude; and the next 50% cum laude."