IAS Announces Photo Contest Winners

IAS Announces Photo Contest Winners


The results are in! Congratulations to our 2016 IAS Photo Contest winners: Anish Dayal, Paige Lockwood, and Lia Downing. After student votes were tallied, IAS faculty and staff chose one winner from the finalists from each of the three categories. Anish Dayal’s vivid photograph from Venice, Italy was chosen from the Buildings category. From the Landscape collection, Paige Lockwood’s image of the green fields of rural China won. Last but not least, Lia Downing won the People and Animals category with her portrait of school children in Suzhou, China. Thank you to all members of IAS and Sigma Iota Rho for participating. We hope you enjoyed looking back on your experiences abroad as much as we enjoyed viewing them. To see all of the photo entries, please visit the IAS Facebook page


China photographed by Paige Lockwood
China photographed by Paige Lockwood
Suzhou, China photographed by Lia Downing
Suzhou, China photographed by Lia Downing
Venice, Italy photographed by Anish Dayal
Venice, Italy photographed by Anish Dayal