IAS major Gabi Stone earns Study Abroad with Distinction

IAS major Gabi Stone earns Study Abroad with Distinction


The community of scholars in International and Area Studies would like to congratulate Gabi Stone (GCS, '17) for having been selected for Study Abroad with Distinction. She was nominated by IAS and approved by the Study Abroad Advisory Board based on her exceptional academic performance on the Wash. U. Program in Spain during the 2016 Spring semester.
Study Abroad with Distinction is an honor conferred on very few Wash. U. students who their faculty recognize have done uncommonly good work while abroad. Out of over 250 students in the Spring 2016 study abroad cohort, only six were nominated for Study Abroad with Distinction. The assessment can be based on any of the following: superior academic performance; exceptional rigor for their course of study; intellectual undertakings above and beyond the general expectations of the program; the quality of the study abroad portfolio; or other criteria at the faculty's discretion.
We offer our congratulations to Gabi for her outstanding accomplishments abroad and wish her continuing success at Wash. U. and beyond.