IAS Photo Contest Results 2017

IAS Photo Contest Results 2017


The results are in! Congratulations to our 2017 IAS Photo Contest winners: Anjali Vishwanath, Maia Sanders, and Jessie Schreier. After student votes were tallied, IAS faculty and staff chose one winner from the finalists from each of the three categories. Anjali Viswanath's stairwell picture from Chefchaouen, Morocco was selected from the Buildings & Urban Spaces category. From the Nature & Landscape collection, Maia Sanders won with her overlook of the costal scenery of Capri, Italy. In the third category of People & Animals, Jessie Schreier was chosen for her picture of seals in Yrti Tunga, Iceland. Thank you to all the members of IAS and Sigma Iota Rho for participating. With 40 pictures submitted, this year's photo contest was our largest yet! We hope you enjoyed looking back on your experiences abroad as much as we enjoyed viewing them. To see all of the photo entries, please visit the IAS Facebook page

Chefchaouen, Morocco photographed by Anjali Wishwanath
Chefchaouen, Morocco photographed by Anjali Wishwanath
Capri, Italy photographed by Maia Sanders
Capri, Italy photographed by Maia Sanders


Yrti Tunga, Iceland photographed by Jessie Schreier
Yrti Tunga, Iceland photographed by Jessie Schreier