Cindy Brantmeier

Professor of Applied Linguistics and of Global Studies (primary appointment)
Psychological and Brain Sciences (by courtesy)
Romance Languages and Literatures (by courtesy)
Director and Adviser of Applied Linguistics
Faculty Fellow of International Research, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
Faculty Scholar, Institute for Public Health
PhD, Indiana University
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    Professor Brantmeier is the principal investigator in the Language Research Laboratory. Her experimental research addresses questions about the nature of second/foreign languages and how they are acquired and used.

    Cindy Brantmeier (PhD Indiana University) is Professor of Applied Linguistics with a primary appointment in Global Studies at Washington University in St. Louis. She is Director of Applied Linguistics, which includes the interdisciplinary PhD and the undergraduate minor. She is also Co-Director of the Graduate Certificate of Language Instruction. Since 2019, Professor Brantmeier is the Faculty Fellow for International Research with Human Subjects in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, for the School of Medicine and the Danforth Campus and since 2018, Professor Brantmeier has served as Co-Chair of the Danforth IRB Advisory Board. Professor Brantmeier was the recipient of Washington University’s 2012 Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award, and a five-time winner of the award for outstanding graduate student mentoring. She leads research teams that have received funding from the US State Department, The National Strategic Language Initiative, the Africa Initiative Pilot Grant Program, National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations & National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, the US Educational Testing Service, and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

    Professor Brantmeier was named Distinguished Visiting Professor of Applied Linguistics at the School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China (2016-2021), a university that is considered one of China’s leading centers for scholarship in linguistics and applied linguistics. She was the 2019 Merle E Simmons Distinguished Alumna, Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Indiana University. Appointed in Fall 2015 to 2020, Professor Brantmeier also served as Co-editor of Reading in a Foreign Language, a leading journal housed at the University of Hawaii (2015-2020).

    At Washington University, Professor Brantmeier holds affiliate appointments in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, and the Department of Education. She has also been a visiting faculty member of the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawaii, a visiting faculty scholar at Berkeley, and an Oxford University Roundtable Scholar. Professor Brantmeier has given invited presentations of her research in Argentina, Nicaragua, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Malaysia, the Republic of Georgia, The Netherlands, Oxford (UK), and at universities across the USA. In 2019, Professor Brantmeier was selected to deliver the plenary address at the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Conference on Literacy held in Chile, where she summarized her 17 years of experiments that examine literacy across languages and cultures. Professor Brantmeier was the keynote speaker and core presenter of STARTALK 2013, and again in 2015 and 2020, an event sponsored by the President of the United States National Security Language Initiative (NSLI) that emphasizes the teaching and learning of strategic languages across the USA.

    Professor Brantmeier is principal investigator in the Language Research Laboratory. Her published work consists of experiments that examine variables involved in second language reading, language research methodology, and language testing and assessment. Professor Brantmeier leads research groups that conducts experiments on the relationships between individual learner difference variables, such as self-assessment, personality, and self-esteem, and second language acquisition, and she also examines interacting factors that impact reading across languages and cultures. Most recently, Professor Brantmeier is connecting her laboratory research to volunteer work with new Americans, including refugees and first generation immigrants in the St. Louis area.

    As part of her post as Faculty Scholar of Health Literacy and Linguistic Diversity, Institute for Public Health, School of Medicine, Washington University, 2020-present, she leads interdisciplinary research efforts to examine factors with health literacy and language use in the services provided to linguistically diverse patients.

    In addition to teaching Applied Linguistics courses at the university, Professor Brantmeier also has extensive experience teaching Spanish and ESL/EFL in the USA, Nicaragua, Mexico, Spain, and Costa Rica to students of all ages. She earned her state teacher certification from Wisconsin for English, Spanish, and ESL (K-12) and is the recipient of several teaching awards from other universities and language programs. Professor Brantmeier has held many different positions with language program direction in the USA and abroad. She was the creator and Director of SPEAC, an English Language Center in Estelí, Nicaragua, a center that won an international award for outstanding program development between the USA and other nations. For 13 years, Professor Brantmeier held supervisory positions in the department of Romance Languages and Literatures that included freshmen language placement, language program assessment, and teaching assistant training.


    Books and Volumes

    Brantmeier, C. (Ed) (2016).  Celebrating Linguistically Diverse Learners of St. Louis: Responsive Research and Practice for Literacy. Volume published in special issue of Reading in a Foreign Language, 28(2).

    Brantmeier, C. & Pulido, D. (Eds.) (2010). Revisiting the MLA Report on Reconfiguring Foreign Language Programs: The Role of Reading, Volume published in special issue of Reading in a Foreign Language, 21(2).

    Brantmeier, C. (Ed.) (2009). Crossing Languages and Research Methods: Analyses of Adult Foreign Language Reading. Book series entitled Research in Second Language Learning. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

    Brantmeier, C. & Koda, K. (Eds.) (2009). Reading in languages other than English, Volume published in special issue of Reading in a Foreign Language, 20(2).

    Brantmeier, C. (Ed.) (2004). Adult foreign language reading: Theory, research and implications, Volume published by Southern Journal of Linguistics. Charlotte, NC: The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Press, 27(1).


    Brantmeier, C., Dube, A. R., Li, S. S., Strube, M., Balmaceda M. D. & van Rheenneen, J., (2021). Health Care Workers and Self-Assessed Communication with Language Diverse Patients in the St. Louis Region at the Onset and One Year into COVID-19. Journal of Nursing and Patient Health Care, 3(1): 103-121.

    Brantmeier, C., Liu, H., Li, Y., & Balmaceda, D. (in press, 2021). COVID-19 and Global Engagement through Remote Language Learning: Bringing Research to Immediate Practice. Aligharh Journal of Linguistics, Aligargh Muslim University, India.

    Li, Y., Brantmeier, C., Gao, Y., & Hogrebe, M. (in press, 2021). Reading strategies and comprehension outcomes with Chinese university-level EFL learners. Reading in a Foreign Language.

    Li, Y., & Brantmeier, C. (2021). The relationship between working memory capacity, reading strategy use, and comprehension with Chinese EFL university students. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 21(1), 1-26.

    Brevik, L. M., Brantmeier, C., & Pearson, P. D. (2020). Strategic readers of L2 English. Gradual release of responsibility. In L. M. Brevik & U. Rindal (Eds.), Teaching English in Norwegian classrooms. From research to practice. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

    Brantmeier, C., Dolosic, H., Balmaceda, D. & Li, Y. (2019). Revisiting gender and L2 reading Spanish at the university: The evolution of reading skill components across instructional levels. Hispania, 102(4), 513-527.

    Liu, H., Brantmeier, C. & Strube, M.  (2019). EFL test preparation in China: The multidimensionality of the reading-writing relationship. Reading in a Foreign Language31(1), 44-61.

    Liu, H. & Brantmeier, C. (2019). I know English: Self-assessment of foreign language reading and writing abilities among young Chinese learners of English. System, 80, 60-72.

    Dolosic, H., Fang, W.C., Brantmeier, C., Strube, M., & Gao, Y. (2019). Preparing Chinese EFL adults for life abroad: Self-assessment, listening, and speaking. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(1), 28-41.

    Medina, A., Callender, A., Brantmeier, C. & Schultz, L. (2017).  Inserted adjuncts, working memory capacity, and L2 reading. System.

    Leuthardt, E., Peelle, J., Brantmeier, C., Cunningham, J. & Barbour, D. (2017). The emerging world of speech neuroprosthetics: Scientific, clinical, and technical considerations. Frontiers of Neuroscience.

    Dolosic, H., Brantmeier, C., Strube, M.,  & Hogrebe, M. (2016). Living Language:    Self Assessment, Oral Production, and Domestic Immersion. Foreign Language Annals, 49 (2).

    Brantmeier, C., Hammadou Sullivan, J., & Strube, M. (2014). Toward independent L2 readers: Effects of textual adjuncts, subject knowledge, L1 reading ability, and L2 proficiency. Reading in a Foreign Language. 26(2), 34-53.

    Brantmeier, C. &Yu, X. (2014). Empirical research on native Chinese speakers reading in English: Data driven issues and challenges. The Reading Matrix. 14(2), 145-163.

    Brantmeier, C., Strube, M. & Yu, X.  (2014). Scoring recalls for L2 readers of English in China: Pausal or idea units.  Reading in a Foreign Language. 26(1), 114-130.

    Brantmeier, C. (2013). Acquisition of reading in second language Spanish. Acquisition in the Spanish Classroom (pp. 466-481). Geeslin, K. (Ed.). Wiley-Blackwell.

    Callender, A., Medina, A. & Brantmeier, C. (2013).Textual enhancements or interference? Inserted adjuncts and L2 reading with intermediate language learners. System, 41(4), 952-964.

    Brantmeier, C., Callender, A. & McDaniel, M. (2013). The role of gender, embedded questions, and domain specific readings with learners of Spanish. Hispania. 96(3), 562-578.

    Brantmeier, C., Callender, A., & McDaniel, M. (2012). Textual enhancements and comprehension with adult readers of English in China. Reading in a Foreign Language. 24(1). 158-184.

    Brantmeier, C., Vanderplank, R. & Strube, M. (2012). What about me? Individual self-assessment by skill and level of language instruction. System, 40(1), 144-160.

    Brantmeier, C., Havard, M. &  Domingo, I. (2012). Technology and the scholar-teacher. The Reading Matrix.12(2), 163-176.

    Brantmeier, C., Callender, A. & McDaniel, M. (2011) The effects of embedded and elaborative interrogation questions on reading  comprehension with advanced second language learners. Reading in a Foreign Language. 23(2). 187-207.

    Brantmeier, C., Davis, S. & Havard, M. (2011). Reading in Other Languages: A Bibliography for the Scholar-Teacher. Reading in a Foreign Language, 23(1), 139-160.

    Brantmeier, C. (2009). More than words: inferential and incorrect units recalled. In R. M. Jimenez Catalan (Ed.). Gender perspectives on vocabulary in second and foreign languages (pp. 23-43). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.

    Brantmeier, C. & Dragiyski, B. (2009).  Toward a Dependable Measure of Metacognitive Reading Strategies with Advanced L2 Learners . In C. Brantmeier (Ed.). Crossing Languages and Research Methods: Analyses of Adult Foreign Language Reading(pp. 47-72). Book series entitled Research in Second Language Learning. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

    Brantmeier, C. & Vanderplank, R. (2008). Descriptive and criterion-referenced self-assessment with L2 readers. System, 36, 456-477.

    Brantmeier, C. & Bishop, T. (Eds.) (2008). Readings on L2 reading: Publications in other venues during 2007-2008. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20(1), 278-286.

    Brantmeier, C. (2008). Meeting the demands: The circularity of remodeling collegiate foreign language programs. In H. Byrnes (Ed.), Perspectives, The Modern Language Journal, 92(2), 306-309.

    Brantmeier, C. and Day, R. (2007). Individual learner differences and extensive reading. In J. Mukundan, S. Menon and  A. A. Hussin (Eds.), ELT Matters 3: Developments in English Language Learning and Teaching (pp. 94-105). Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.

    Brantmeier, C., Schueller, J., Wilde, J., & Kinginger, C. (2007). Gender equity in foreign and second language learning. In S. Klein (Ed.), Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity through Education (pp. 305-334). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

    Brantmeier, C. (2006). Toward a multicomponent model of interest and second language reading: Sources of interest, perceived situational interest, and comprehension. Reading in a Foreign Language, 18(2), 89-115.

    Brantmeier, C. (2006). Advanced L2 learners and reading placement: Self-assessment, computer-based testing, and subsequent performance. System, 34(1), 15-35.

    Brantmeier, C. (2006). Readers’ gender and test method effect in second language reading. Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table, University of Oxford, UK, 1-36.

    Brantmeier, C. (2006). The Effects of Language of Assessment and L2 Reading Performance on Advanced Reader’s Recall. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 6(1), 1-17.

    Brantmeier, C., Flores, L. & Romero, G. (2006). Theory Driven Technologies: Frameworks for Individual Language Learners. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 6(3), 299-309.

    Brantmeier, C. (2005). Nonlinguistic variables in Advanced L2 reading: Learner’s self-assessment and enjoyment. Foreign Language Annals, 38(4), 493-503.

    Brantmeier, C. (2005).  Effects of reader’s knowledge, text type, and test type on L1 and L2 reading comprehension. The Modern Language Journal, 89(1), 37-53.

    Brantmeier, C. (2005). Anxiety about L2 Reading or L2 Reading Tasks?  A Study with Advanced Language Learners. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 5(2), 67-85.

    Brantmeier, C. (2004). Statistical procedures for research on L2 reading comprehension: An examination of regression models and ANOVA. Reading in a Foreign Language, Special Issue on Methods and Applications in Reading Research, 16(2), 51-69.

    Brantmeier, C. (2004). Technology and the individual:  Students in control of advanced second language acquisition. In Y. Saito-Abott, R. Donovan, & T. Abbot (Eds.), Emerging Technologies in Teaching Languages and Culture (pp. 279-298).  San Diego, CA: LARC Press.

    Brantmeier, C. (2004). Building a comprehensive theory of adult foreign language reading: A variety of variables and research methods. In C. Brantmeier (Ed.), Adult Foreign Language Reading: Theory, Research, and ImplicationsThe Southern Journal of Linguistics (pp.1 - 6). Charlotte, NC: The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Press.

    Brantmeier, C. (2004). Gender, violence-oriented passage content, and reading in a second language. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 4(2), 1-19.

    Brantmeier, C. (2003).  Language skills or passage content?  A comparison of native and non-native male and female readers of Spanish. Applied Language Learning, 13(1), 183-205.

    Brantmeier, C.  (2003). The role of gender and strategy use in processing authentic written input at the intermediate level.  Hispania, 86(4), 844-856.

    Brantmeier, C. (2003). Technology and second language reading at the university level: Informed instructors’ perceptions. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, Special Issue on Reading and Technology, 3(3), 50-74.

    Brantmeier, C. (2003).  Beyond linguistic knowledge:  Individual differences in second language reading.  Foreign Language Annals, 36(1), 33-44.

    Brantmeier, C.  (2003). Does gender make a difference?  Passage content and comprehension in second language reading. Reading in a Foreign Language, (15)1, 1-24.

    Brantmeier, C.  (2002). The effects of passage content on second language reading comprehension by gender across instruction levels. In J. Hammadou Sullivan (Ed.), Research in Second Language Learning:  Literacy and the Second Language Learner. (pp. 149-176). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

    Brantmeier, C.  (2002). Second language reading strategy research at the secondary and university levels:  Variations, disparities and generalizability.  The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 2(3), 1-14.

    Brantmeier, C.  (2001). Second language reading research on passage content and gender:  Challenges for the intermediate level curriculum. Foreign Language Annals, 34(4), 325‑333.

    Crossing Languages and Research Methods: Analyses of Adult Foreign Language Reading (Research in Second Language Learning)

    Crossing Languages and Research Methods: Analyses of Adult Foreign Language Reading (Research in Second Language Learning)

    In 2002, this series was launched with its first volume, Literacy and the Second Language Learner, which contained many noteworthy research studies in the learning and teaching of second language reading. The selection of this theme for the series' entry on the scene demonstrates the importance of the topic of second language reading. Because reading plays a key role in the act of acquiring new knowledge, it is important to understand this complex process. The series again explores this multifaceted and fruitful area of inquiry in this, its seventh volume. In recent years, an explosion of work that strives to create a more complete understanding of second language reading has occurred and researchers today are making gains in fitting together a model of second language reading. This current volume brings together a range of high quality analyses of adult foreign language reading across languages and research methods. It provides important research findings that will assist foreign language readers and those who support their efforts.