Study Abroad Requirements to Receive Global Studies Course Credit

A&S Distribution Requirements

Some coursework completed abroad may count toward your A&S distribution requirements. According to College policy, "For students in the Arts & Sciences IQ Curriculum, up to 6 credits per semester (or 3 credits per summer on a non-WUSTL faculty-led program) may be used to satisfy HUM, NSM, SSC, LCD area requirements. Students who study abroad for the full academic year may petition for an additional 3 credits towards area requirements. According to the IQ Curriculum, LCD credit can be received only for the study of languages and cultures in societies outside of Britain and English-speaking North America. Preliminary guidance on appropriate courses is available from Overseas Programs, your four-year academic advisor, or a college dean, but final approval depends upon a review of the course work upon return to Washington University."

General Requirements: 

The student must...
* transfer at least 3 units from abroad toward the total units necessary to complete the Global Studies major
* take a language course abroad that counts toward the Global Studies 4-semester language requirement.

NB  No more than 3 credits can transfer from a summer abroad; no more than 6 credits can transfer for one semester abroad; and no more than 12 credits can transfer for a year of study abroad toward the Global Studies major.

In addition:

* Courses must be taken as part of a study abroad program approved by Washington University.
* The student must receive the equivalent of a B- or better to count study abroad coursework toward the Global Studies major.
* Courses must clearly be upper division courses.
* Study abroad credit only counts at the 3000 level.
* The study abroad program must be consistent with the student’s Global Studies concentration and language training. A full list of Global Studies-approved programs is available through Overseas Programs HERE.


Not all Global Studies-approved study abroad programs are appropriate for all concentrations. Students in Eurasian Studies, European Studies, and Global Asias must choose a program that is consistent with their geographic and linguistic specialization. Students in the Development, Global Cultural Studies or International Affairs concentrations must choose a program that offers coursework applicable to the concentration, and we strongly prefer that students choose a program consistent with their chosen language of study.

A student with a compelling reason may petition for an exception to these requirements.

Examples of programs requiring a petition include:
* Programs that are not consistent with Global Studies concentration requirements
* Washington University-approved programs that have not been approved by Global Studies (even if approved for a second major or minor)
* Alternative programs that have not been approved by Overseas Programs


Students wishing to petition should contact the Global Studies Study Abroad Advisor (Prof. Nicole Svobodny) for further guidance.

Contact Professor Svobodny