Research Assistantships

How to Apply

To apply for the Research Team, students must fill out an application and register for Directed Research in IAS (L97 4005) with Dr. Caddel. Students should also fill out the following application.

RA Application

About the Program

IAS will select a limited number of Research Assistants (RAs) each fall. This is especially beneficial for students who are planning to write a thesis in their senior year. Students who complete their work as an RA also will be awarded the Research Scholar Distinction within IAS. 

RAs will meet once a week for a one-hour research workshop to introduce new skills and resources. In addition, RAs will be assigned to work on a faculty research project and will provide 5 hours of research assistance per week to their faculty member.

Independent Study

Another option availalble to IAS students is an independent study project. See the Independent Study Policy for additional details.

While we encourage you to pursue individual interests outside the classroom format by enrolling in L97 IAS 400 (Independent Study) OR L97 IAS 4005 (Directed Research) under the direction of one or more faculty members, please note that electing either of these two options may not necessarily fulfill your 400 level requirements for your specific IAS concentration and direct approval must be sought from your concentration's coordinator. If that approval is given, a limit of 3 units of independent study may be counted toward the 36 units needed to complete the IAS major.

Independent Study Policy
Seigle Hall


If you have additional questions, please contact Dr. Jeremy Caddel.

CONTACT Dr. Caddel